OnCore’s Newest Ambassador Dishes on All Things Golf Ball Related
Marisa Messana is a busy woman these days. The former Clemson University All-American hosts “Marisa’s Minute” at Si.com, where she offers all sorts of cool golf tips to help improve your game. We are thrilled to have her on the team as an OnCore Ambassador, and we can’t wait to work with her in 2023 and beyond. She recently took time out of her busy schedule for a quick Q & A.
How did you first learn about OnCore?
“I was at Liberty National Golf Club [in Jersey City, New Jersey] in 2022 for the Icons Series, where I represented Blue Cross at their booth. I came across some OnCore investors who told me all about the brand and its golf balls. At the time, my boyfriend was playing for the Toronto Blue Jays AAA team, the Buffalo Bisons, and it turns out I could see Oncore offices from his apartment! I met with them during that visit to discuss our synergies and partnership.
When did you start playing with OnCore golf balls?
“It was later that year. I was playing the [Titleist] Pro V1x and tested the [OnCore] VERO X1. In terms of distance, I felt like they were pretty similar. The VERO X1 is incredibly straight as well, and once I learned about the technology behind it, that really drove it home and I’ve been playing it ever since.”
On a scale of 1-10, how important is choosing the right golf ball for optimizing one’s golf game?
“Oh wow, before I started playing OnCore and learned about all the technology that goes into making our golf balls, I would have said a “six.” But now, knowing what I know and having observed it on the golf course, I would say a “nine.” I mean, you use the golf ball on every shot, right? So it’s a big factor, but a lot of amateur and recreational golfers don’t put enough thought into selecting the right balls for their games.”
How often are you playing these days?
“At least once a week with clients through my primary business, hosting executives and their clients for corporate golf outings. Between that and my work with Si.com, I’m no stranger to the golf course!”
OnCore is a “direct-to-consumer” brand, meaning our golf balls aren’t typically available at golf shops and big box stores. Our customers order online. Thoughts about that?
“I’m all about being efficient and effective with my time, and if I can order my golf balls online, perfect. I’ve heard the same thing from other OnCore golfers. They love being able to order at the website anytime.”
You have a lot of choices when it comes to the golf products you endorse. Simply put, why OnCore?
“I love disrupting industries with innovative, forward-thinking products. After hearing and learning about the technology and mission driving OnCore as a business, I was eager to partner with the brand to drive golf performance to new levels. I’m also fascinated by AI and love to see OnCore’s involvement with Golf Boost and Greenbreaker. I love that OnCore is constantly driving high performance and growth in the company, products, and the game as a whole by creating a dynamic brand that engages all skill levels.”
Thank you, Marisa!