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Golf books that will make time away from golf worthwhile: humor

During our time away from public interaction, it can be a challenge to connect with a game that is equal parts outdoors and interactive. WHERE we play and WITH WHOM we play are equally important. At OnCore Golf, we find ourselves re-reading golf books on our shelves and, when we’ve finished them all, we order […]

During our time away from public interaction, it can be a challenge to connect with a game that is equal parts outdoors and interactive. WHERE we play and WITH WHOM we play are equally important. At OnCore Golf, we find ourselves re-reading golf books on our shelves and, when we’ve finished them all, we order more golf books online! Whether Abe Books or Amazon fits the bill, new and used books are available for prompt delivery.

Our second listing of books that you might wish to order, looks at the humor that golf engenders. We all have stories of Vesuvian eruptions (our own or those of our partners) on the golf course. Our literary masters consolidate this genre of anecdotes and keep us smiling from cover to cover.

Driven To Extremes

Jeff Wallach seized advantage of the 1990s uptick in golf’s popularity. He published two volumes on golf, with the second one being the one that fits under the umbrella of humor. Wallach escorts us across the golfing world, taking us to extreme courses and extreme occurrences. At the outset, we shake our heads and say no way; then, we remember that it is golf, and we nod in appreciation. 

The dogged victims of inexorable fate

Be honest: the collaboration of those four words, in just the title, compels you to bow in admiration. That was Dan Jenkins, an old-school man’s man, a fellow raised in west Texas. A good enough golfer to play varsity at Texas Christian University. A better enough writer to scribble for decades in the public eye, first for Sports Illustrated, then for Golf Digest. Any novel or story collection by the master is worth the coin you drop. The golf ones are the closest to our hearts, and we recommend them highly.

Golf without tears

There are two ways to acquire the sparkling golf tales of Pelham Grenville Wodehouse KBE, known to the rest of humanity as P.G. Wodehouse. The first is to go all-in on the omnibus, a sizable and fairly-costly ($40-ish) collection of the majority of his golf-themed works. The alternative is to chip away at individual volumes, $5 at a throw, to eventually huddle a sizable run on a bookshelf level. Either way, the words are the words and the characters delight. The English sensibility of humor is alive and always well with Wodehouse.

Missing Links

In the last days of the Sports Illustrated the last page, Rick Reilly was the scrivener who assured us that nothing was true; yet that whatever was true, was ironic or hilarious. Fortunately for those who follow the sun, Reilly’s longer works  (the ones trapped in hardcover) opted for golf as a backdrop. If you’re a muni-course denizen, you’ll appreciate the humorous potential of the public-course-adjacent-to-elite-country-club positioning. If you’re on the other side of that fence, well, congratulations on your success.

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